Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Media Alert from Nielsen news - Top 10 Blogging Topics in May

Swine Flu was the most discussed topic in April 2009, according to Nielsen news. Bloggers were helping world by providing useful information related to this. In India itself, according to today’s news 31 infected patients/cases have been found so far. According to experts its cure will take at least 6 more months to come to India – though I am not sure it’s available any where else too.

Recently released Nielsen news shows that in the month of May, Swine Flu has been dropped to number 8 wherein Memorial Day and Star trek has taken the top position. Politics again is able to take position in this list – thanks for Barak Obama's desire to pass a new credit card reform law and his visits to different places.

Here is the list:
1. Memorial Day
2. Star Trek
3. Barack Obama
4. Dick Cheney
5. Notre Dame
6. Cinco de Mayo
7. Mobile Phones
8. Flu Virus
9. Sonia Sotomayor
10. Terminator Salvations